the Haskell School of Music
前幾天 @lovecankill 提到 The Haskell School of Music: From Signals to Symphonies 出版了。
查了下才知道在 Paul Hudak 過世後, Donya Quick 接手完成整本書。
Reddit 上的 lovaz 快三年前擔心沒人接手,曾問:
But, as some of you know, Mr. Hudak passed away earlier this year and the book is now finished - chapters on frequency modulation are only half way done. Physical Modelling chapter has a lot of empty spaces. I can't understand ideas presented there if there is no explanation :(
hsyl20 回答道:
You should ask Donya Quick: I have been told she is to complete the book.
但我連 The Haskell School of Expression 都還沒讀完,現在衝動購物也沒意思 XD